Monday, December 5, 2011


Hey guys, I'm currently fixing my two lesson plans so that they are ready to add into our website!  Hopefully we can get everything added in on Wednesday!  If we have free time before Wednesday we should all try to get onto our website and add pictures/ change the text and layout so we can focus on the content during class!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

next class period..

Hey, on wednesday, I will add more to the final web for our final inspiration..... I will also then need to add what is next for the final projects that we are going to make.. I am also thinking that I will create a podcast for the students to make homemade cookies off of directions that are verbal.. Is that a great idea or no?? or should i try to do something else that might be interesting?? Just let me know thanks..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Counts As a Serving?

Milk Group ............2 to 3 Servings
each day size of:
small milk carton (8 oz) = 1 cup milk
2 batteries (9-volt ) = 1 1/2 ounce natural
baseball = 1 cup yogurt (8 oz)

Meat & ................2 to 3 Servings
Beans Group each day size of: (for a total of 5 to 7 oz each day)
deck of cards = 2 to 3 ounces meat
baseball = 1 cup cooked beans
(= 2 ounces)
roll of film (35 mm) = 2 tablespoons
peanut butter
(= 1 ounce of meat)

Vegetable Group....3 to 5 Servings
each day size of:
deck of cards = 10 french fries
small computer mouse = 1/2 cup vegetables
baseball = 1 cup raw, leafy

Fruit Group ............2 to 4 Servings
each day size of:
baseball = 1 medium apple,
orange, pear
6 oz can = 3/4 cup fruit juice
small computer mouse = 1/2 cup chopped or
canned fruit

Grains Group ........6 to 11 Servings
each day size of:
computer disk = 1 slice bread
baseball = about 1 cup
ready-to-eat cereal
small computer mouse = 1/2 cup cooked rice,
pasta or cereal

Food Plate in Spanish?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Updated Web

2nd lesson plan

For my 2nd lesson plan I am going to have students figure out how many calories and food groups are in their breakfast and the school lunches.

Super cool!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Some ideas to pull from the book forthe podcast are:

1. page 54-56 Essential Learning Functions
2. page 44 What's the "Big Idea"?
3. page 32-33 Communities within Communities
4. page 14-15 Teachers Are Learners, Too

Just a couple ideas, what do you all think?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

more websites

Kooking with Kids Map

my 3 websites




Kooking With Kids outline